Counterfeit Monkey — 22 of 292

Emily Short

Release 6

Section 2 - Conversation, including Subjects

[ The Counterfeit Monkey uses the same conversation library as Alabaster, though with some different refinements. ]

Include Threaded Conversation by Emily Short.

Include Threaded Actions by Emily Short.

A quip can be listed or unlisted. A quip is usually listed.

Plausibility rule for an unlisted quip:

it is dubious.

After reading a command:

let N be indexed text;

let N be "[player's command]";

replace the regular expression "(hi|hello|hey), (.*)" in N with "\2, \1";

change the text of the player's command to N.

Bureau is a subject. Understand "bureau of orthography" or "orthography" as the bureau.

Celebration is a subject. Understand "fair" or "party" or "hoopla" or "shindig" or "hootenanny" or "festival" or "serial comma day" as celebration.

Constructed language is a subject. Understand "conlang" as constructed language.

Crime is a subject. Understand "criminal" or "criminal activities" or "criminal activity" or "smuggling" or "fraud" as crime.

Education is a subject. Understand "school" or "schooling" or "teaching" or "university" or "college" or "teacher" or "teachers" or "professor" or "professors" as education.

Employment is a subject. Understand "job" or "work" as Employment. Understand "bureau" as employment when the current interlocutor is the secretary.

Entertainment is a subject. Understand "show" or "film" or "films" or "shows" or "show time" or "movie time" or "show times" or "movie times" or "movie" or "movies" or "books" or "book" or "amusement" or "presentation" or "display" as entertainment.

Family is a subject. Understand "brother" or "sister" or "son" or "daughter" or "children" or "child" or "mother" or "father" or "parents" or "parent" or "sons" or "daughters" or "brothers" or "sisters" or "sibling" or "siblings" or "aunts" or "uncles" or "uncle" or "aunt" or "grandparent" or "grandmother" or "grandfather" or "grandma" or "grandpa" as family.

Fashion is a subject. Understand "clothing" or "clothes" or "attire" or "outfit" as fashion.

Food is a subject. Understand "eating" or "dining" or "meal" or "meals" or "foodstuff" or "grocery" or "groceries" as food.

Geography is a subject. Understand "surroundings" or "directions" as geography.

Religion is a subject. Understand "religion" or "faith" or "belief" or "beliefs" or "dogma" or "religious" as Religion.

Immigration is a subject. Understand "customs house" or "custom house" or "customs" or "custom" or "tariff" or "import" or "aliens" or "alien" or "citizens" or "citizen" or "naturalization" or "entry visa" as immigration.

Industry is a subject. Understand "industrial" or "espionage" as industry.

Internet is a subject. Understand "email" or "e-mail" or "wifi" or "network" or "computer" or "computers" or "web" or "wikipedia" as the internet.

Legislation is a subject. Understand "law" or "legalities" or "legal" or "government" as legislation.

Some plans is a subject. Understand "scheme" or "intention" or "intentions" or "conspiracy" or "plan" as plans.

Porson is a subject.

Research is a subject. Understand "experiment" or "experiments" or "study" or "studies" as research.

Romance is a subject. Understand "love" or "smoochies" or "girlfriend" or "boyfriend" or "partner" or "spouse" or "husband" or "wife" as romance.

Security is a subject. Understand "men" or "law enforcement" or "police" as security.

Transportation is a subject. Understand "transport" or "bus" or "buses" or "bus system" or "transit" or "transit system" or "car" or "rental car" or "auto" or "automobile" or "cars" or "autos" or "vehicles" or "automobiles" or "vehicle" as "[transit]". Understand "[transit]" as transportation.

The environment is a subject. Understand "planet" as the environment.

A quip can be background-information.

A plausibility rule for a background-information quip:

it is dubious.

Definition: a quip is personal:

if it mentions romance:


if it mentions religion:


if it mentions family:



Definition: a quip is civic:

if it mentions geography:


if it mentions legislation:


if it mentions bureau:


if it mentions immigration:


if it mentions security:

