Chapter 14 - The Catalan punt volat Needle
[This is a wholly unnecessary toy that exists (a) to give the player something to fiddle with briefly if stuck with the anagramming gun; and (b) to suggest a wider world of language use beyond the shores of Atlantis.]
The description of the Catalan punt volat needle is "An infinitely delicate tool designed to slip between two Ls. It has no application in English."
Sanity-check inserting the Catalan punt volat needle into something:
try poking the second noun with the noun instead.
Check poking something with something:
if the player does not carry the second noun:
try taking the second noun;
if the player does not carry the second noun:
stop the action.
Check poking something with something which is not the Catalan punt volat needle:
say "[The second noun] [is-are] not very suitable for the purpose." instead.
Check poking the Catalan needle with the Catalan needle:
say "[The noun] doesn't bend that way." instead.
Carry out poking something with the Catalan punt volat needle:
let sample be indexed text;
let sample be "[noun]";
now sample is "[sample in lower case]";
if sample matches the regular expression "(.*l)(l.*)":
say "The needle slips into place, trying to construct '[text matching subexpression 1]·[text matching subexpression 2]'. It fails, however, to make any recognizable word out of this, and the needle wire grows hotter and hotter in our hand as it tries to fix the change. Finally [you] have to pull out." instead;
say "There's nowhere for the needle to slide in, because there are no paired Ls in [the noun]." instead.
Understand "use [catalan punt volat needle] on [something]" as poking it with (with nouns reversed).
Understand "poke [something] with [catalan punt volat needle]" as poking it with. Poking it with is an action applying to one thing and one carried thing.
Understand "poke [something] with [something]" as poking it with.
Understand "poke [something] in/into [something]" as poking it with (with nouns reversed).
Understand the commands "pierce" and "stick" and "penetrate" as "poke".