Counterfeit Monkey — 272 of 292

Emily Short

Release 6

Section 7 - Professor Waterstone

W-identifies is an NPC-directed quip.

The response is "He looks up at us gravely. 'I don't believe we've met,' he says. 'Can I help you?'"

A first conversation-reply rule when the current interlocutor is professor Waterstone:

if the player does not recollect please-get-out and please-get-out is not listed in the planned conversation of Professor Waterstone and Professor Waterstone recollects at least two quips:

queue please-get-out as postponed obligatory.

After reading a command when make up some excuse is available:

if the player's command includes "make":

replace the matched text with "excuse".

Instead of saying yes when make up some excuse is available:

try discussing make up some excuse.

make up some excuse is a performative quip.

It mentions yourself.

The comment is "'I'm a prospective student,' we say. Immediately I regret it: we look too old to be an undergraduate prospective, and Waterstone would know all the graduate prospectives personally.".

The response is "He raises an eyebrow. 'At your age?' [paragraph break]'I took some time off school,' we remark. [paragraph break]Some professors would greet this with warmth or sensitivity or at least good manners. Waterstone says, 'Well, in that case, it is to be hoped that you spent those wasted years on [i]some[/i] valuable activity. What did you need from me?'".

It quip-supplies Professor Waterstone.

It is restrictive.

It directly-follows W-identifies.

that we just dropped by to meet him is an informative quip.

It mentions Waterstone.

The comment is "'I just dropped by to meet you,' we say. 'I had heard good things about your teaching.'".

The response is "'I rarely teach undergraduates,' he remarks. 'You would spend your time more profitably by making the acquaintance of the teaching assistants or perhaps' [--] and here he enunciates the name with distaste [--] 'Professor Brown.'".

It quip-supplies Professor Waterstone.

It directly-follows make up some excuse.

where to find Professor Brown is a questioning quip.

It mentions Professor Brown.

The comment is "'Where might I find Professor Brown?' we ask.".

The response is "'He is most likely in the basement,' says Professor Waterstone exactly. '[one of]L-removing POOL[or]R-removing DOOR[or]N-removing TENANTS[or]L-removing TILT[or]A-removing SODA[cycling], no doubt.'".

It quip-supplies Professor Waterstone.

It is repeatable.

It is background-information.

whether he met the activists is a questioning quip.

It mentions environment.

The comment is "'Did you run into those activists outside?'".

The response is "'Sadly, it is our misfortune constantly to encounter people with no concept of what language manipulation can and cannot do,' Waterstone says. He really seems to be in a bad mood today, even for him: maybe a fight with the wife, or a nasty letter from the dean.".

It quip-supplies Professor Waterstone.

Understand "if" as whether he met the activists.

what he kens about me is an unlisted questioning quip.

The printed name is "what he knows about me". The true-name is "what he kens about me".

Understand "knows" as what he kens about me. The comment is "'Actually, I did wonder: do you have a student named Alex Rosehip? One of the teaching assistants, I think?'".

It mentions yourself.

The response is "He looks at us with an unusually keen stare. 'He is an advisee of mine,' says Waterstone. 'A bright scholar, but I fear that he has taken on board some dubious ideas about the [i]applications[/i] of what we study. I would suggest that you take anything he may have said to you with a grain of salt.'".

It quip-supplies Professor Waterstone.

Availability rule for why he seems working on Serial Comma Day:

if the player knows carpets-shampooed:

it is off-limits.

why he seems working on Serial Comma Day is a questioning quip.

The printed name is "why he is working on Serial Comma Day". The true-name is "why he seems working on Serial Comma Day".

Understand "is" or "professor" or "waterstone" as why he seems working on serial comma day. The comment is "'Why are you in today?' we ask. 'Isn't it a holiday?'".

It mentions Waterstone, celebration.

The response is "'The pursuit of knowledge does not occur according to the calendar,' he says. Then he adds, 'And my wife is having the carpets shampooed[carpets-shampooed] and kicked me out of the house.'".

It quip-supplies Professor Waterstone.

Availability rule for why he doesn't go to the demonstration:

if the player does not know waterstone-invited:

it is off-limits.

why he doesn't go to the demonstration is a questioning quip. The comment is "'I'm surprised you're not at this demonstration,' we say, gesturing towards the invitation on his desk. 'It looks interesting.'".

Understand "professor" or "waterstone" as why he doesn't go to the demonstration.

It mentions invitation.

The response is "'Does it?' he asks wearily. 'It sounds like a dead bore to me. Unfortunately, I can be neither at the demonstration nor at home at the moment. I have this blasted presentation to finish[if the player does not know carpets-shampooed], and my wife is having the carpets shampooed[carpets-shampooed] [--] on a holiday! [--] and won't let me work in my own study[otherwise] and thanks to the carpets I can't work in my own study[end if].'".

It quip-supplies Professor Waterstone.

Please-get-out is an NPC-directed quip.

The response is "'Look, I really must work on this,' says Waterstone, chasing us to the door. 'Perhaps someone else in the department can answer a few of your questions. I believe I saw Professor Higgate earlier, and Professor Brown is usually in his lab downstairs. I'm sure he's not working on anything too urgent. Goodbye!'"

Report someone discussing please-get-out:

say "[response of please-get-out][paragraph break]";

reset the interlocutor;

try going south;

shut the office instead.

[At the time when Waterstone gets annoyed:

if the location is not Waterstone's Office:

shut the office. ]

To shut the office:

try Waterstone closing office-door-1;

try Waterstone locking office-door-1 with od-key;

if the player can see the department printer and the department printer is switched on:

say "A moment later the printer whirs thoughtfully.";

now the draft document is pending;

rule succeeds.