Section 4 - Writing Surfaces
[This is a pretty unimportant feature, but at some point during the design I realized that it was possible to make pens, a nib, and various types of paper and notepad. Given that, it seemed fair to let the player write stuff down — he was likely to try, anyhow — and maybe I could tie in an achievement or two.
I didn't really greatly want to develop that from scratch, but happily an extension by Jim Aikin provided the functionality: writeable surfaces that would remember what you'd jotted on them, work only with certain writing implements, etc. I plugged it in, tested it out (worked perfectly), and moved on.]
Include Notepad by Jim Aikin.
Understand "write on [something]" as a mistake ("You'll need to say what you want to write down, as in 'write Alice on [the noun]'.").
Understand "write with [something]" as a mistake ("You'll need to say what you want to write down, as in 'write Alice on [the random notepad]'.").
Understand "write on [something] with [something]" as a mistake ("You'll need to say what you want to write down, as in 'write Alice on [the noun]'.").
Understand "write with [something] on [something]" as a mistake ("You'll need to say what you want to write down, as in 'write Alice on [the second noun]'.").
Sanity-check an actor writing on something:
if the actor carries the inked pen:
make no decision;
if the actor carries the uninked pen:
say "[The pen] is out of ink at the moment." instead;
if the actor carries the pens:
say "[The pens] are only nominally writing implements at all." instead.