Untitled — 43 of 60


Release 1

Chapter - Room-adapted descriptions

Carry out examining the petter-tree:

if the location is:

-- MGR3: say "The moldy strangler fig roots cover the enormous trunk at the center of the greenhouse, seeming to melt into one another, making it impossible to tell what the host tree used to looked like. There are no branches within reach.";

-- MGR3a: say "From here you can see the moldy strangler fig roots growing down the host tree. A thick root-covered branch has grown into the metal mesh.";

-- MGR3b: say "The smooth, grey strangler fig roots cover the original host tree completely. Thick root-covered branches lead up and west from here.";

-- MGR3c: say "Here, gaps between the strangler fig roots reveal the original host tree, which looks like an African fern pine. The original bark has been stripped bare in a wide circle around the trunk by the strangler fig, effectively killing the host. Thick root-covered branches lead up and down from here.";

-- MGR3d: say "Up here where there is more sunlight, the strangler figs bear green leaves and flowers among the dead branches of the African fern pine.";

-- MGR3e: say "This is the top of the tree, the green leaves and flowers of the strangler fig filling the upper part of the greenhouse along with the dead, pointy twigs of its victim. There is nowhere to go except down.";

-- MGR3f: say "The tree watches in solemn silence as you fall to your doom";

-- otherwise: say "You are not in the MGR3 region.";

the rule succeeds.

Carry out examining the petter-roots:

if the location is:

-- MGR3: say "[one of]It looks like a species of strangler fig, which has germinated in a crevice of the host tree, growing its roots downward and upward, enveloping everything in its way[or]The roots seem to have everything in their grasp[stopping].";

-- MGR3a: say "The roots seem to have everything in their grasp here.";

-- MGR3b: say "The smooth, grey strangler fig roots cover the host tree completely, growing upward and downward from here.";

-- MGR3c: say "Through the hole you see the strangler fig growing like a spinal cord through the hollow trunk of the dead host tree.";

-- MGR3d: say "Up here where there is more sunlight, the strangler figs bear green leaves and flowers and fruit among the dead branches of the African fern pine.";

-- MGR3e: say "This is the top of the tree, the green leaves and flowers of the strangler fig filling the upper part of the greenhouse along with the dead, pointy twigs of its victim. There is nowhere to go except down.";

-- MGR3f: say "The strangler fig roots look on in silence as you fall to your death.";

-- otherwise: say "You are not in the MGR3 region.";

the rule succeeds.

Carry out examining the petter-branches:

if the location is:

-- MGR3: say "The root-covered branches of the tree are too high to reach from here, but they seem to fill the entire upper part of the greenhouse.";

-- MGR3a: say "A thick, root-covered branch has grown into the metal mesh, almost forming a natural bridge to the trunk of the tree.";

-- MGR3b: say "Here the root-covered branches are thick and sturdy, growing almost horizontally. To the west, it is possible to climb to the walkway circling the greenhouse.";

-- MGR3c: say "The branches here are murky and hollow, but the roots growing around them make them strong enough to climb.";

-- MGR3d: say "The dead branches are thin, sharp and numerous, like a thicket.";

-- MGR3e: say "[if the petter-hidden-cage is in location]It looks like something metallic is hanging from the ceiling further out, but the branches grow to dense to see it clearly[otherwise]The dead branches are thin, sharp, and numerous, like a thicket[end if].";

-- MGR3f: say "A blur of branches whip by.";

-- otherwise: say "You are not in the MGR3 region.";

the rule succeeds.

Carry out examining the petter-leaves:

if the location is:

-- MGR3: say "There are many brown, decomposing leaves on the ground here.";

-- MGR3a: say "There are many brown, decomposing leaves on the walkway, and a couple of living green ones growing from the roots.";

-- MGR3b: say "There are a few long, oval leaves with little spots of yellow fungus growing from the roots here.";

-- MGR3c: say "The leaves are long and oval. They seem to be more numerous up here, with less fungus on them.";

-- MGR3d: say "Up here the green, sticky leaves grow huge and are difficult to move between.";

-- MGR3e: say "The green leaves stick to the glass ceiling of the greenhouse.";

-- MGR3f: say "The leaves rush by like green brushstrokes.";

-- otherwise: say "You are not in the MGR3 region.";

the rule succeeds.

Table of Petter-Blocked Exit Replies

Room (a room)Reply (some text)
MGR3"If there ever were any exits other than the overgrown archway through which you entered, they are covered by impenetrable roots[if petter-staircase is in MGR3], but there is a spiral staircase leading up to a walkway[otherwise]. The staircase leading up has collapsed[end if]"
MGR3a"The walkway is broken and impassable, but there is large branch to the east. Stairs lead down"
MGR3b"Apart from the branch leading west to the walkway, there is nowhere to go here unless you want to climb higher"
MGR3c"The branches here are weak and you'd prefer to stay close to the trunk. It might be possible to climb up or down, though"
MGR3d"The branches hinder your movement here. It might be possible to climb up or down, though"
MGR3e"You'd prefer to move around as little as possible up here. The only reasonably safe way is down"
MGR3f"There is only going down from here"

Table of Petter-Wound Descriptions

Petter-wound-kind (a petter-wound)Description (some text)
petter-unscratched"The sickly yellowish-green light in here glistens in the sweat on your skin. At least you seem to be relatively unscathed"
petter-scratched"There are scratches from the branches wherever your skin is bare"
petter-cut-up"Your skin is badly scratched and there are a couple of minor bleeding wounds"
petter-bruised"You are scratched and bleeding. You have minor bruises all over, and a huge aching one your leg"
petter-battered"You are bruised and bleeding all over, with a huge bump on your head, but nothing serious. Your shoulder and leg hurt a little and you walk with a slight limp"