Untitled — 44 of 60


Release 1

Chapter - Greenhouse bottom level (MGR3)

Description of MGR3 is "Nothing should be growing here anymore [ps--] the heating and irrigation have been off for years [ps--] but roots seem to have covered everything.[paragraph break]The walls curve inward, forming a huge dome, with a mesh of roots covering it from the floor up to about halfway to the ceiling. Sunlight still breaks through in places, throwing a pattern of bright spots across the room. The roots grow from an enormous tropical tree at the center of the greenhouse, towering all the way up to the ceiling, which it hides behind a thick crown of leaves.[paragraph break][if petter-staircase is in location]A spiral staircase, seemingly woven of roots, leads to a circular mesh walkway higher up along the wall[otherwise]The staircase to the upper level has collapsed along with much of the platform above. There are shards of glass everywhere and a cold wind blows from the broken ceiling[end if]."

Instead of climbing the petter-tree when the location is MGR3:

say "You cannot reach any branches from here. The roots leading up are too flimsy to support your weight and the moldy trunk is too slippery[if petter-staircase is in location]. But there is a staircase leading up to a walkway circling the tree[end if]."

Instead of going to MGR3a from MGR3 when the petter-broken-staircase is in location:

say "The spiral staircase has collapsed."

Instead of examining up when the location is MGR3:

say "The huge tree towers above you, growing all the way up to the hidden ceiling. It seems to have no branches reachable from here."

Before going to MGR3a from MGR3 when the petter-staircase is in location:

say "[one of]What is visible of the iron staircase through the root mesh looks bent and badly corroded. The roots are slippery to the touch as you grab hold of the handrail and start climbing. After only a couple of steps the entire structure [ps––] including the platform above [ps––] lurches, and for a moment you think it is all going to come apart on top of you[or]You climb the unstable staircase[stopping]."

Before going to MGR3 from MGR3a:

say "You climb down the unstable staircase."

The petter-archway is scenery in MGR3. The printed name of petter-archway is "overgrown archway". Understand "overgrown/archway/door/exit" as the petter-archway. The description of the petter-archway is "This overgrown archway is the way you came in, and it seems to be the only way out of here."

Instead of vaguely petter-digging when the location is MGR3:

say "The thick roots covering the ground makes digging impossible here."

Petter-plaster is scenery. The printed name of petter-plaster is "plaster". Understand "plaster/bone/powder/white" as petter-plaster. The description of petter-plaster is "There is a white powder where the plaster bone shattered."

Instead of taking the petter-plaster:

say "You don't need any plaster."