Counterfeit Monkey — 141 of 292

Emily Short

Release 6

Section 8 - Rectification Room

The Rectification Room is west of the small door. It is indoors. The description is "This is where equipment is brought for a tune-up, or to have its legal limits reinstalled (or, on rare occasions, removed). Access to these abilities is tightly controlled by the Bureau."

Instead of switching on the reclamation machine:

try switching on the reclamation computer.

Instead of switching off the reclamation machine:

try switching off the reclamation computer.

The reclamation machine is a closed openable fixed in place container in the Rectification Room.

The introduction is "It's very ordinary looking, a simple machine with leads able to attach to various linguistic equipment, and to read and rewrite the programming."

The initial appearance is "[The reclamation machine] stands near the door, ready to improve forbidden objects for the use of registered departmental users."

The description is "You put a piece of linguistic equipment into the reclamation machine and the machine reprograms it. Attached to the machine is a computer which manages its behavi[our][if the reclamation machine is closed]. Currently the machine is closed: I assume [you] use the computer to open it for service[end if]."

Instead of opening the reclamation machine:

say "The opening is controlled by the computer portion of the machine. It can't just be forced open."

The reclamation computer is a computer. It is part of the reclamation machine. One trackpad is part of the reclamation computer.

The reclamation computer is running a password lock program called reclamation security.

The password of reclamation security is "4tsaj39nbtz".

The reclamation computer is running an enumerated multiple-choice program called the reclamations operation program.

The options table of the reclamations operation program is the table of deeds.

The description of the reclamations operation program is "At the top of the screen is the message STATUS: [if the reclamation machine is closed and the reclamation machine is limit-replacing]STANDBY[otherwise if reclamation machine is abstract-removing]REMOVING ABSTRACTION LIMITS[otherwise if reclamation machine is abstract-replacing]RESTORING ABSTRACTION LIMITS[otherwise if the reclamation machine is limit-replacing]RESTORING LEGAL LIMITS ON ANIMAL-CREATION[otherwise]REMOVING LEGAL LIMITS ON ANIMAL-CREATION[end if].

[options-list of the item described]".

The reclamation machine can be limit-removing, limit-replacing, abstract-removing or abstract-replacing.

Table of Deeds

--"RESTORE ABSTRACTION LIMITS"bin-abstract-messing-up rule
--"REMOVE ABSTRACTION LIMITS"bin-abstract-opening rule
--"QUIT"bin-closing rule

This is the bin-abstract-messing-up rule:

now the reclamation machine is abstract-replacing;

if the reclamation machine is closed:

now the reclamation machine is open;

say "The reclamation machine slides open. ";

say "The computer beeps approvingly.";

This is the bin-abstract-opening rule:

now the reclamation machine is abstract-removing;

if the reclamation machine is closed:

now the reclamation machine is open;

say "The reclamation machine slides open. ";

say "The computer gives a warning noise that appears to mean 'If you are really sure, okay...'";

This is the bin-messing-up rule:

now the reclamation machine is limit-replacing;

if the reclamation machine is closed:

now the reclamation machine is open;

say "The reclamation machine slides open. ";

say "The computer beeps approvingly.";

This is the bin-opening rule:

now the reclamation machine is limit-removing;

if the reclamation machine is closed:

now the reclamation machine is open;

say "The reclamation machine slides open. ";

say "The computer gives a warning noise that appears to mean 'If you are really sure, okay...'";

This is the bin-closing rule:

now the reclamation computer is running reclamation security;

if the reclamation machine is open:

now the reclamation machine is closed;

say "The reclamation machine clanks shut. ";

say "The security pro[gram] comes up again on screen."

[Don't put other stuff in the bin]

Instead of inserting something which is not the letter-remover into the reclamation machine when the heft of the noun is greater than 2:

say "That would be pointless, and even if it weren't, [the noun] won't fit into the reclamation machine."

Instead of inserting something which is not the letter-remover into the reclamation machine:

say "The reclamation machine wouldn't be able to make much of [the noun], and there's always the risk of attracting undesired attention."

[Response to 1: add abstract limits]

Report inserting the letter-remover into the reclamation machine when the letter-remover was not upgraded and the reclamation machine is abstract-replacing:

say "[You] drop the letter-remover through the machine. There's a brief flash and hum from the machine, just as though it were making a photocopy. Then a recording of a woman's voice speaks, loudly and cheerily: ABSTRACTION LIMITS ALREADY IN PLACE.";

follow the bin-closing rule;

rule succeeds.

Carry out inserting the letter-remover into the reclamation machine when the reclamation machine is abstract-replacing:

now the letter-remover is not upgraded;

rule succeeds;

Report inserting the letter-remover into the reclamation machine when the letter-remover was upgraded and the reclamation machine is abstract-replacing:

say "[You] drop the letter-remover through the machine. There's a brief flash and hum from the machine, just as though it were making a photocopy. Then a recording of a woman's voice speaks, loudly and cheerily: ABSTRACTION LIMITS RESTORED.";

follow the bin-closing rule;

rule succeeds.

[Response to 2: remove abstract limits]

Report inserting the letter-remover into the reclamation machine when the letter-remover was not upgraded and the reclamation machine is abstract-removing:

say "[You] drop the letter-remover through the machine. There's a brief flash and hum from the machine, just as though it were making a photocopy. Then a recording of a woman's voice speaks, loudly and cheerily: ABSTRACTION LIMITS REMOVED.";

follow the bin-closing rule;

rule succeeds.

Carry out inserting the letter-remover into the reclamation machine when the reclamation machine is abstract-removing:

now the letter-remover is upgraded;

rule succeeds;

Report inserting the letter-remover into the reclamation machine when the letter-remover was upgraded and the reclamation machine is abstract-removing:

say "[You] drop the letter-remover through the machine. There's a brief flash and hum from the machine, just as though it were making a photocopy. Then a recording of a woman's voice speaks, loudly and cheerily: ABSTRACTION LIMITS ALREADY REMOVED.";

follow the bin-closing rule;

rule succeeds.

[Response to 3: add animal limits]

Report inserting the letter-remover into the reclamation machine when the letter-remover was not creature-enabled and the reclamation machine is limit-replacing:

say "[You] drop the letter-remover through the machine. There's a brief flash and hum from the machine, just as though it were making a photocopy. Then a recording of a woman's voice speaks, loudly and cheerily: LEGAL LIMITS ALREADY IN PLACE.";

follow the bin-closing rule;

rule succeeds.

Carry out inserting the letter-remover into the reclamation machine when the reclamation machine is limit-replacing:

now the letter-remover is not creature-enabled;

rule succeeds;

Report inserting the letter-remover into the reclamation machine when the letter-remover was creature-enabled and the reclamation machine is limit-replacing:

say "[You] drop the letter-remover through the machine. There's a brief flash and hum from the machine, just as though it were making a photocopy. Then a recording of a woman's voice speaks, loudly and cheerily: LEGAL LIMITS RESTORED.";

follow the bin-closing rule;

rule succeeds.

[Response to 4: remove animal limits]

Report inserting the letter-remover into the reclamation machine when the letter-remover was creature-enabled and the reclamation machine is limit-removing:

say "[You] drop the letter-remover through the machine. There's a brief flash and hum from the machine, just as though it were making a photocopy. Then a recording of a woman's voice speaks, loudly and cheerily: LEGAL LIMITS ALREADY ABSENT.

Of course, all of that was strictly unnecessary.";

follow the bin-closing rule instead;

Carry out inserting the letter-remover into the reclamation machine when the reclamation machine is limit-removing:

now the letter-remover is creature-enabled;

complete "Lift the legal limits on the letter-remover so that it can make living creatures";

record "lifting animate limits on the letter-remover" as achieved;

rule succeeds.

Report inserting the letter-remover into the reclamation machine when the letter-remover was not creature-enabled and the reclamation machine is limit-removing:

say "[You] drop the letter-remover through the machine. There's a brief flash and hum from the machine, just as though it were making a photocopy. Then a recording of a woman's voice speaks, loudly and cheerily: LIFTING LEGAL LIMITS NOW [--] a point that might draw undesired attention our way if it weren't masked by the noise outside.

The letter-remover comes out again looking exactly the same as when it went in. But it should now be able to make living creatures at need.";

follow the bin-closing rule instead.