Counterfeit Monkey — 186 of 292

Emily Short

Release 6

Volume 3 - Memories

[Memories are not exactly cut scenes, but are intended to have limited interactions: no world model, just choices about what to reveal to Alex and what emotional approach to take to certain events, where Andra's real feelings are probably complex and ambivalent. The idea here is where possible to allow expressiveness and engagement with the events but not to make them seem subject to actual change.

These are a fairly late addition to the design, because Andra's personality is losing out to Alex's significantly, and thematically we would really like to give an impression of both of them.]

[Section 0 - Emotional Terminology for Later Parsing

Understand "angry/mad/pissed/furious/wrath/rage/enraged/offended/infuriated" as "[angry]".

Understand "jealous/envious" as "[jealous]".

Understand "annoyed/irritated/frustrated" as "[annoyed]".

Understand "bored/ennui/uninterested/disinterested/indifferent/uncaring/dull/yawn/tedious/tedium/apathy" as "[bored]".

Understand "scared/frightened/nervous/wary/timid/edgy/afraid" as "[scared]".

Understand "disappointed/sad/depressed" as "[sad]".

Understand "horrified/horror/disgust/contempt/disgusted/appalled/repelled/icky/ew" or "grossed out" as "[disgusted]".

Understand "ashamed/embarrassed/humiliated" as "[embarrassed]".

Understand "joy/joyous/pleased/happy/happiness/enthralled/enthused/uplifted/content" as "[happy]".]