Counterfeit Monkey — 197 of 292

Emily Short

Release 6

Volume 4 - Tools and Substances Affecting Letters

Book 1 - Safety Overrides and Disasters

Section 1 - Dangerous Destruction

[No matter what method of letter modification we use, there are certain things it is dangerous to destroy: for instance, objects containing the player, objects containing valuable essentials, etc. We want to be consistent in the way we represent the results, so we use the dangerous destruction rulebook, which can be called by any of the letter-changing devices.]

The dangerous destruction rules are an object-based rulebook.

A dangerous destruction rule for a person (called the target):

if the target is the current interlocutor:

reset the interlocutor;

A dangerous destruction rule for something that encloses the current interlocutor:

reset the interlocutor;

A dangerous destruction rule for something (called changed seat) which encloses a person (called the irate victim):

if the irate victim is Brock:

make no decision;

if the irate victim is the player:

say "In a blink of an eye, [the changed seat] ceases to exist.

The problem is that [it-they of changed seat] take[s] us along with [it-them of changed seat].

I've always wondered what this last passage to non-existence might be like. It turns out that there is a rushing noise, and a tunnel [you] travel very rapidly towards darkness; and all around us are other objects also in the middle of ceasing to be.";

end the game saying "[You] have left existence behind";

rule fails;

say "Instantly [the changed seat] cease[s] to exist. [The irate victim], real[izing] what [you] [are] about just in time, has managed to leap out of the way, however; and the result is a hasty call to the police to report an Attempt to Render Inanimate, a charge pursued as though it were murder in most circumstances.";

end the game saying "[You] have been locked up";

rule fails.

A dangerous destruction rule for a room (called changed seat):

say "In a blink of an eye, [the changed seat] ceases to exist, and [you] are part of it, and go also[if the location contains at least two people], in what will be recorded as an inexplicable act of murder-suicide[end if].

I've always wondered what this last passage to non-existence might be like. It turns out that there is a rushing noise, and a tunnel [you] travel very rapidly towards darkness; and all around us are other objects also in the middle of ceasing to be.";

end the game saying "[You] have left existence behind";

rule fails.