Counterfeit Monkey — 209 of 292

Emily Short

Release 6

Chapter 9 - The Restoration Gel

Section 1 - Gel and the Rest of the World

Understand "gel" or "restoration gel" as the tub when the tub is closed. The scent-description of the restoration gel is "spearmint".

Sanity-check waving the restoration gel:

try waving the holder of the restoration gel instead.

Sanity-check taking the restoration gel:

try taking the holder of the restoration gel instead.

Sanity-check dropping the restoration gel:

try dropping the holder of the restoration gel instead.

Sanity-check inserting the restoration gel into something:

try inserting the holder of the restoration gel into the second noun instead.

[Sanity-check putting the restoration gel on something:

try putting the holder of the restoration gel on the second noun instead. ]

Sanity-check closing the restoration gel:

try closing the holder of the restoration gel instead.

Sanity-check opening the restoration gel:

try opening the holder of the restoration gel instead.

Instead of tasting or eating the restoration gel:

say "While it may look like toothpaste and smell like toothpaste, it actually is not toothpaste."

Test gel-behavior with "open tub / open backpack / put gel in backpack" holding the tub and the backpack.

Procedural rule when tasting or eating the restoration gel:

ignore the carrying requirements rule.

A description-concealing rule when the location is Open Sea:

now the restoration gel is not marked for listing. [Otherwise, even though the tub is mentioned elsewhere in the description, the restoration gel shows up in a disruptive line of text in the middle of the room description.]

After printing the name of the tub while looking:

say " of [restoration gel]";

omit contents in listing.

Test tube-bug with "tutorial off / wear monocle / x tub" holding the monocle and the tub.

First carry out looking at the tub through an authentication scope:

say "[The second noun] shows the residual form of the tube." instead.