Counterfeit Monkey — 258 of 292

Emily Short

Release 6

Section 4 - Kate

Instead of waiting when the current interlocutor is Kate:

say "We kill some time [one of]admiring the merchandise[or]checking out the maps[or]staring idly into space[or]comparing ourselves to the mannequin[or]gazing out the shop window[at random].[no line break]";

if a random chance of 1 in 2 succeeds:

say paragraph break;

carry out the beat-producing activity;

say paragraph break.

Rule for beat-producing when the current interlocutor is Kate:

if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds and the map-customer is not in the location:

shuffle map-customer;

say "[one of][A map-customer] steps into the shop[or]The door opens and [a map-customer] comes in[or]Kate greets [a map-customer] who has just come into the shop[or]There's a tinkle from the door as [a map-customer] walks in[at random].[run paragraph on]";

move map-customer to the location;

otherwise if a random chance of 1 in 3 succeeds and the map-customer is in the location:

let N be a random number between 1 and 4;

if N is:

-- 1:

say "[one of][The map-customer] asks Kate's advice about one of the maps[or]Kate confers with [the map-customer] in hushed tones[at random].[run paragraph on]";

-- 2: say "[one of][The map-customer] edges past you and Kate to get a look at one of the other maps[or][The map-customer] ponders [a random visible scenery thing][at random].[run paragraph on]";

-- 3: say "[idle of the map-customer][run paragraph on]";

-- 4: say "[The map-customer] [one of]stops browsing and leaves[or]seems to have seen enough, and goes out[or]thanks Kate and goes out[or]heads out the door[at random].";

remove the map-customer from play;


say "[one of]Kate polishes a smudge off the display case[or]Kate rearranges a few objects in the shop window[or]Kate waves at someone she knows through the store window[or]Kate dabs absently at something on her shirt[casually queue stains][or]The phone rings.

Kate answers, briefly assures the person on the other end of the line that the shop is indeed open today, and hangs up[as decreasingly likely outcomes].[run paragraph on]".

The greeting of Kate is "'Welcome to Arbot,' says Kate. 'Feel free to browse and ask me any questions you may have about the merchandise[change-kate-greeting].'"

The generic adversative of Kate is "[one of]ah but[at random]".

The generic confrontational of Kate is "one moment".

Understand "ask [Kate] for [any kate-carried thing]" as requesting it from (with nouns reversed).

To say change-kate-greeting:

now the greeting of Kate is "'Welcome back,' Kate says."

Kate knows you-are-possible-customer.

Instead of asking Kate to try giving a kate-carried thing to the player:

try requesting the noun from kate.

Definition: a thing is kate-carried:

if it is the Britishizing goggles and Kate does not recollect buy the Britishizing goggles:


if it is the Slangovia map and Kate does not recollect buy the Slangovia map:



Sanity-check taking a kate-carried thing:

say "Kate is watching us; I think we'd best buy anything we need here, rather than trying to filch it." instead;

Availability rule for buy the goggles:

if the Britishizing goggles are not kate-carried, it is off-limits;

make no decision.

buy the Britishizing goggles is a purchasing quip.

The printed name is "buy the British[izing] goggles".

Understand "buy Britishizing goggles" or "buy the Britishizing goggles" or "buy goggles" or "buy the goggles" as buy the Britishizing goggles.

It mentions Britishizing goggles.

The comment is "'I'm interested in these British[izing] goggles,' we say.".

The response is "'An excellent choice,' Kate assures us. 'They're the real thing, vintage made, not the plastic knock-offs that were all the rage in the 80s. Leather straps, brass fittings, top-grade lenses.'

A large number of bills later and we're the proud owner of the goggles. Kate removes the goggles from the mannequin and fits them to our face.".

It quip-supplies Kate.

Carry out Kate discussing buy the Britishizing goggles:

if the player wears the monocle:

now the player carries the monocle;

now the player wears the Britishizing goggles.

Availability rule for buy the Slangovia map:

if Slangovia map is not in the location, it is off-limits;

if Slangovia map is not kate-carried, it is off-limits;

make no decision.

Instead of taking the Slangovia map when Kate does not recollect buy the Slangovia map:

say "I think we had better keep our hands off the merchandise until we're ready to buy [--] these antique paper items take smudges and damage very easily."

buy the Slangovia map is a purchasing quip.

Understand "buy Slangovia map" as buy the Slangovia map.

It mentions the Slangovia map.

The comment is "'[if Kate recollects which map was sold]I'll take the Slangovia map,' we say. 'It's not every day you see something like this.'[otherwise]I'll have this map of Slangovia,' we say.[end if]".

The response is "[if Kate recollects which map was sold]'Very good,' she says. 'Too bad he didn't think to offer it to you directly! But just as well for us, I suppose.'

I take this to mean that Arbot is getting a big commission on the sale.[otherwise if Kate recollects whether she hath seen Brock-man]'Ah, that's [--]' She's presumably about to say that it's the map Brock sold to the shop just this morning. But a kind of quiet caution takes over. 'That's a very interesting piece,' she ends smoothly. 'We don't see many maps of Slangovia. It's not much visited, I believe.'[otherwise]'That just came in today,' Kate says. 'We bought it from a visiting scholar [--] he'd come to attend a demonstration with my boss, as a matter of fact, and happened to have this item with him.'

She looks at the map dubiously for a moment. 'Just between us, I've never heard of Slangovia. But as the seller [i]was[/i] a guest of my employer, it seemed rude to quibble. And it is a very attractively drawn piece. I'm sure you'll enjoy it.'[end if][figure-out-legend]

Kate removes the map from its case and packs it up carefully for us.".

It quip-supplies Kate.

whether she hath seen Brock-man is a questioning quip.

The printed name is "whether she has seen Brock".

Understand "if" or "has" or "brock" as whether she hath seen Brock-man.

It mentions Brock.

The comment is "'Have you seen a man [--] maybe this morning [--] about this height, dark hair, very blue eyes, kind of cocky?'"

The response is "There's a light of recognition. 'Yes, he was in. A friend of my boss. He visited the shop and sold us [if Kate recollects buy the slangovia map]that map you just purchased[otherwise]a map he happened to have with him[end if]. Then they left, together. I believe there was some discussion of seeing a demonstration[casually queue recommend-help].'"

It quip-supplies Kate.

An availability rule for which map was sold:

if Kate recollects buy the Slangovia map:

it is off-limits;

make no decision.

which map was sold is a questioning quip.

The comment is "'[if immediately]He sold you a map? Which one was that[otherwise]You mentioned that the gentleman sold you a map [--] which one was it[end if]?'"

The response is "'It's just here,' Kate says, going over to the selection and pointing out a map purporting to depict Slangovia. 'An unusual piece.'

She glances sideways at us."

It indirectly-follows whether she hath seen Brock-man.

It quip-supplies Kate.

Carry out Kate discussing which map was sold:

now the Slangovia map is in the location.

what sort of demonstration is a questioning quip.

Understand "schedule" or "plan" or "plans" as what sort of demonstration.

The comment is "'[if immediately]What sort of demonstration is that[otherwise]You mentioned that your boss and the other gentleman went to a demonstration. What kind of demonstration was it[end if]?'"

The response is "She smiles and shrugs. '[Mr] Arbot used to work for the Bureau before he retired to sell antiques. He still has lots of connections. It could be anything.'"

It indirectly-follows whether she hath seen Brock-man.

It quip-supplies Kate.

whether Brock-man seemed upset is a questioning quip.

The printed name is "whether Brock seemed upset".

It mentions Brock.

The comment is "'There's a chance my friend was in trouble. Did he seem to be in a hurry or concerned about anything?'"

The response is "'Not at all. He appeared eager to speak with [Mr] Arbot, and they had plans together, but he didn't seem agitated. If anything, he seemed a little more worldly and collected than people in his line of work usually are[casually queue recommend-help].'

Cryptic. Perhaps he was posing as a researcher? But we can't very well ask, not if we're supposed to be a friend of his."

It indirectly-follows whether she hath seen Brock-man.

It quip-supplies Kate.

Understand "if" as whether Brock-man seemed upset.

recommend-help is an NPC-directed quip.

The response is "'If your friend is missing, you could report him to the Bureau, you know,' she says. 'I believe they keep close tabs on academic and research visitors. They may well know where he is.'

'Thank you,' you say. 'I don't think things are quite at that point.' And they never will be, obviously."

why Arbot now sells antiques is an unlisted questioning quip.

Understand "mr" as why arbot now sells antiques.

The comment is "'So your boss used to work for the Bureau, but now he sells maps?'"

The response is "'And other items. Some of them are very difficult to source in Atlantis.'

'But [Mr] Arbot has connections,' we prompt.

She doesn't disagree, but doesn't elaborate, either."

It indirectly-follows what sort of demonstration.

It quip-supplies Kate.

what types of antiques they sell here is an unlisted questioning quip.

Understand "type" or "kind" or "sort" or "antique" or "you" as what types of antiques they sell here.

The comment is "'What sorts of antiques do you sell here?'"

The response is "'What you see around you on the floor is fairly representative,' Kate replies. 'Maps are a specialty, but we also carry older models of linguistic tools as well as unusual or vintage Atlantean artifacts.'"

It quip-supplies Kate.

Carry out Kate discussing buy the Slangovia map:

if the player carries the backpack:

now the Slangovia map is in the backpack;


now the player carries the Slangovia map;

stains is an NPC-directed quip.

The response is "'A new shirt and a cup of hot coffee,' Kate says ruefully. 'It always ends up this way.'"

Report smiling when the current quip is stains:

say "We smile sympathetically." instead.

Report laughing when the current quip is stains:

say "We chuckle sympathetically." instead.

Availability rule for what the map legend means:

if the Slangovia map is not enclosed by the location:

it is off-limits;

if the fake-legend is not part of the Slangovia map:

it is off-limits;

what the map legend means is a repeatable unlisted questioning quip.

It mentions map, legend, fake-legend.

The comment is "[one of]'The legend on this map is unusual,' we say[if the fake-legend is seen], pointing out the business of Iphis and Ianthe in the corner[otherwise]. And it is, too [--] it's a short story instead of any kind of key to the symbols on the map[end if][or]We point out the map legend again[stopping]."

The response is "[one of]Kate frowns at it. 'Perhaps it's a story with some kind of local significance?' she suggests, after a moment[or]'I'm afraid I've told you what little I know about that piece,' she says[or]She reiterates that she doesn't have more to add about that piece[stopping]."

It quip-supplies Kate.

Instead of giving or showing the map to Kate when the fake-legend is part of the map:

try discussing what the map legend means.

Instead of giving or showing the fake-legend to Kate:

try discussing what the map legend means.

Sanity-check showing the map to Kate when the legend is part of the map:

say "Now that it's obvious this is a secret message, you're not exactly going to show it to all and sundry." instead.

Sanity-check showing the legend to Kate:

say "Now that it's obvious this is a secret message, you're not exactly going to show it to all and sundry." instead.

Test Kate with "tutorial off / z / ask about brock / ask about demonstration / ask about antiques / ask about map / buy map / z / z / z / look / x map / x legend / a legend / show map to kate" in Arbot Maps & Antiques.

Test Kate2 with "tutorial off / z / x maps / buy map / ask about brock / ask about antiques / ask about demonstration / ask about brock / z / z / z/ look / a legend / x map / x legend / a legend / show map to kate" in Arbot Maps & Antiques.

Test Kate3 with "tutorial off / z / ask about brock / x maps / buy map / ask about demonstration / ask about antiques / ask about brock / z / z / z / look / a legend / x map / x legend / a legend" in Arbot Maps & Antiques.