Counterfeit Monkey — 58 of 292

Emily Short

Release 6

Section 2 - Kitchens and Bathrooms

[There are quite a few of these location types, so we'll implement them consistently throughout the game using assemblies.]

Include Modern Conveniences by Emily Short.

Include Postures by Emily Short.

Check going to a room when the player is not in the location:

while the player is not in the location:

let context be the holder of the player;

if context is a vehicle:

continue the action;

try exiting;

if context is the holder of the player:

stop the action instead;

A toilet is usually seated.

When play begins:

now every toilet allows seated;

now every toilet allows standing.

Understand "wash hands" or "wash up" as a mistake ("[if a sink is in the location][You] briskly wash up[otherwise]There's no sink here[end if].").

Sanity-check washing a person who is not the player:

if the noun is an animal:

say "[The noun] could probably use a wash, but on the whole I don't see the point." instead;

say "Bathing people other than myself is kind of over-intimate." instead.

A public restroom is a kind of room.

A toilet-stall is a kind of container. The printed name of a toilet-stall is always "toilet stall". Rule for printing the plural name of a toilet-stall: say "toilet stalls". Understand "stall" as a toilet-stall. Understand "stalls" as the plural of a toilet-stall. A toilet-stall is always fixed in place and enterable and openable.

The description of a toilet-stall is usually "It is the usual beige metal dividers, the usual topical graffiti."

Some graffiti is a kind of thing. It is usually scenery.

Some graffiti is in every toilet-stall.

The description of graffiti is usually "[You] glance over the range of messages from past occupants and notice...[paragraph break][one of]Some wag has drawn an arrow pointing to the toilet and written beside it: P-REMOVER[or][i]There was a young lady from France[line break]Who was wearing a plain pair of pants[line break][']Til a linguistical gent[line break]With indecent intent[line break]Left the girl crawling with ants[/i][at random].".

A toilet-stall is always lit. A toilet-stall is usually scenery. Understand "toilet stall" as a toilet-stall. Rule for printing the name of a toilet-stall when the player is in the toilet-stall and the toilet-stall is closed: say "Toilet Stall".

One toilet is in every toilet-stall.

Two toilet-stalls are in every public restroom. Two sinks are in every public restroom.

Instead of tasting a toilet:

say "Not while I'm sharing your tongue, thanks."

Instead of tasting a sink:

say "Let's cling to a higher standard of hygiene, shall we?"

A mirror is a kind of thing. A mirror is in every bathroom. A mirror is in every public restroom. A mirror is usually scenery. Understand "glass" or "reflection" as a mirror.

The description of a mirror is "It's gleaming and shiny and very clean and I don't want to look in it."

Instead of searching a mirror when the player wears a wig and the player wears the monocle:

say "The wig and the monocle together suggest some sort of steampunk fancy dress party."

Instead of searching a mirror when the player wears a wig:

say "The wig looks surprisingly natural[if the pass is seen], and [you] resemble the image on the pass much better than [you] do without[end if]."

Instead of searching a mirror when the player wears a hairpiece and the player wears the monocle:

say "The hairpiece/monocle combination makes us look like some sort of funky steampunk engineer, which might not be the most inconspicuous way to go."

Instead of searching a mirror when the player wears a hairpiece:

say "The hairpiece looks surprisingly natural[if the pass is seen], and [you] resemble the image on the pass much better than [you] do without[end if]."

Instead of searching a mirror when the player wears a monocle:

say "The monocle makes our right eye look deep green, and it has a sinister quality as well."

Instead of searching a mirror:

say "I have not gotten used to what we look like since we were synthes[ize]d into a single female body. The face that looks back is deeply scary. It's not me. And it's not you either. It's more like one of those computer composites you can have done to envision future offspring: if you and I were to have a somewhat androgynous daughter she might look like this[one of].

But I am uncomfortable sharing a body, and uncomfortable looking into a mirror and seeing something other than my own face looking out.

You seem calmer about it: perhaps you've just had more time to reflect, or perhaps somehow you're filtering those emotions out for me. But I think we'll both be happier when we're split back into our own respective bodies[or][stopping]."

Instead of attacking a mirror:

say "You know what they say about bad luck. I'm not superstitious, but I don't think having a roomful of sharp glass shards bodes well for the immediate future."

Instead of burning something in the presence of a stove:

if the noun is edible:

say "You are about right about my cooking abilities, I suppose, but [the noun] [is-are] better off as [it-they] [is-are].";


say "It's true there's a handy stove here, but I don't see the point."

[And fix posture reporting to reflect person...]

The standard position report rule is not listed in any rulebook.

Report taking position (this is the new standard position report rule):

say "[You] [are] now [the posture of the player][if the holder of the player is not the location] [in-on the holder of the player][end if]."

[And this is provided entirely as a way to redirect attempts to sit at the piano or a desk or table]

Understand "sit at [something]" as sitting at. Sitting at is an action applying to one thing.

Check sitting at:

say "There's no obvious place to sit." instead.