Counterfeit Monkey — 72 of 292

Emily Short

Release 6

Section 2 - Attacking it with

[This is here primarily for the pinata puzzle, but also to give sensible responses to a number of other things, including attempts at combat with Atlantida.]

Understand the commands "attack" and "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck" as something new.

Attacking it with is an action applying to one visible thing and one carried thing. Understand "attack [something] with [something preferably held]" as attacking it with.

Understand the commands "punch" and "destroy" and "kill" and "murder" and "hit" and "thump" and "break" and "smash" and "torture" and "wreck" as "attack".

Does the player mean attacking the hanging figure with a long strong thing:

it is very likely.

Sanity-check attacking something with something:

if the second noun is not long:

say "[The second noun] [is-are] too short to hit with effectively." instead;

if the second noun is floppy:

say "[The second noun] [is-are] too floppy to do much damage." instead.

A thing can be attackable.

Sanity-check attacking something which is not attackable with something:

try attacking the noun instead.

Sanity-check attacking someone who is not attackable with something:

follow the block attacking rule instead.

Sanity-check attacking someone who is not attackable:

follow the block attacking rule instead.

Sanity-check attacking something which is not attackable with an edged thing:

try cutting the noun with the second noun instead.

Understand "swing [something preferably held] at [something]" as attacking it with (with nouns reversed).